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How To Install Pycairo Windows

카테고리 없음

by tedworksisub1972 2020. 3. 6. 00:33


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How To Install Pycairo Windows Vista

Pycairo tutorial

Failed Building Wheel For Pycairo Windows

I'm very fresh to python and I wanted to install an animation program known as manim, it demands pycairo but every period I'pip instaIl pycairo'it provides me back thisD:Python27Scriptspip install pycairoCollecting pycairoUsing cachede58f171b6f62b2ea92373639a1a08e4/pycairo-1.18.0.tar.gzBuilding tires for collected packages: pycairoRunning setup.py bdist steering wheel for pycairo.